Tuesday, November 18, 2014

D.I.Y. Vanilla Buttercream frosting!

Hello Cookie Monsters! Sorry for my absence! But I am coming at you with a new recipe today! Who doesn't love a nice creamy frosting on top of their cupcake? Not anybody that I know! 

I will try my Cookie Monsters to being to post more regularly again. But this year I'm in 8th grade and I am taking every honors class being offered at my school, and that means lots of homework, so that takes up lots of my time these days!


Units: US | Metric


  1. 1
    In a bowl combine butter, sugar and salt. Beat till blended.
  2. 2
    Add the milk and vanilla and beat for an additional 3 to 5 minutes or until smooth and creamy.

Vanilla  Buttercream Frosting (From Sprinkles Cupcakes). Photo by elisa1019